Please note: this site is currently under development. We are actively working to add new features and tools and to fix bugs and errors.

Please let us know if you find any problem.


Access to taxonomic databases and biodiversity records. All specimens listed have been identified by experts.


Photographs and illustrations produced during our project or by collaborators.


Genomic and DNA barcode phylogenies of Ipomoea, with a focus on American species.


Basic taxonomic and biological information of Ipomoea species, with a focus on the American continent.

The Ipomoea Project, 2023. All content (except images) on this site is offered under a Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY 4.0 license. Except where otherwise noted, photographs are the property of their respective authors who have kindly allowed us to use them on this website. Any re-use without express permission from the copyright owner is prohibited.